Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Everyone Has a Gift

          So last night, I went to the movie theaters with an old high school friend of mine (S/O to Yanika) ,and at first we were going to watch 'Bridemaids' , but when we were at the counter to buy our tickets, we suddenly changed our minds and decided to watch 'X-Men: The First Class'; and I must say that movie was certainly worth my $11.25.

          In 'X-Men: The First Class' it basically showed the beginning stages of X-Men forming. Charles Xavier, played by James McAvoy, and his friend since the age of ten, Raven, who's played by Jennifer Lawrence, were working together to help find other new mutants as well as fighting against the humans. However, the point of this post isn't for me to give you a synompsis of the movie or rate it, but instead to help you, the reader, realize that even though we may not have mutant genes in our DNA, but that each and everyone of us has a gift.

           Many people are born knowing what their gift is. Others may have to develop their gift and use it to obtain their dreams, whether its being a world renown violinist, or receiving the title of being the 2011 NBA Champions. Nonetheless, everyone has a particular gift. As for me, even though I am pretty good at a lot of things, I have yet to know what my specific gift is.

          In this movie, every single character played a vital part to prove a specific point. Michael Fassbender, who played Erik Lehnsherr also known as 'Magneto', was tortured as kid by Sebastian Shaw just to motivate Erik to use and develop his powers. Sometimes in life, you need somebody that will give you a hard time just to motivate you more. For instance, when I was younger, I used to get teased all the time because I was fat and it certainly took a tole on me. However, I didn't let it stop me. I used the bullying, teasing and name calling as motivation for me to persevere into losing weight, and to this day I still try my best to watch my figure and eat healthy after losing 30 lbs. But in spite of that, some people need that negativity to keep them determined, focus, prove their enemy wrong and most importantly to help make a better "YOU" for YOURself. Which is what Professor X convince Magneto to do. He convinced Magneto to use that energy that was in the hurt and pain that Shaw caused and transfer it into a way to use his super powers in a more tamed manner.

          Another character in the movie that played a vital role was obviously Professor X. As good-looking and handsome he was, Professor X was certainly a brillant man. Using his powers for good, he took the opportunity to reach out to other mutants and teach them how to use their powers. In life, we need someone like Professor X to give us a push, to let us know that we are capable of achieving anything and everything. If there wasn't a character like Professor X in the movie, there would be no 'X-Men' and the same thing applies in real life. If we didn't have people who believed in us, such as, Martin Luther King Jr.,who inspired others with his 'I Have a Dream' speech, there wouldn't be President Barack Obama. Its these people who see the potential in those who don't believe in themselves help recognize their gifts.

           Nevertheless, one person that I personally found intriguing was Raven, also known as 'Mystique'. In the movie, Mystique is known as the blue creature with red hair that has the ablitity to take the form of any creature she wanted to,a shape shifter. However, Mystique often hid from her true self and always transformed into a blond hair, brown eyed girl just to 'fit in'. But what I found intriguing about this character Mystique is that she was one of the most beautiful creatures in the movie, but for some odd reason she didn't see the beauty within herself. Sometimes, we try so hard to fit in that we tend to lose ourselves, and most importantly forget ourself worth. Some people try so hard to fit into what 'society wants' , but why can't we be content with the way we are? With the pressures that even some of the celebrities are having to deal with, such as their weightloss, it proves that they are also dealing with the pressures of society of fitting in.There's this one quote that always stood out to me: Be yourself , because everyone else is taken. It means that while you're trying to be everyone, or someone else, you should be yourself.

           While Magneto could have cried all his life about his mother being dead, he rather develop his power to its fullest potential to avenge Shaw. Now, we all may not have a personal 'Professor X' in our lives,but this is where self motivation comes into play. We have to be our own cheerleader, because if not, you wont know your gift--> no dream --> and then other people and kids with dreams won't have someone to believe in, which therefore continues a cycle of "dead dreams".

           All in all, nothing is impossible in the world, and even though this movie came out of a comic book, it certainly showed a lot of life lessons. Life is what YOU make of it as a person. You can chose to roll with the punches, OR fight back and give your archenemy a hard time. Life is also about using your experiences as well as the people in your life in a positive or negative way. In addition, life is finding that special gift of yours and whether or not you would use it for good or evil. Some may develop their gift overnight, while others may take years. But, nonetheless its all about what you make of it.

-Thank you Professor Milanes

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Pauli I wanted tell u how much I appreciate this post because it actually, got me to think about the people that have an influence in my life. Similar to the movie, I had a friend who was hard on me and at times the person could be really annoying. She always had something positive say, but I never really heard her because it was kinda like a constructive criticism. And I wasn't tryna hear that at the moment. I never realized what she did for me until she left to enlist in the military.

    Your post has also helped me realize my special talents I neglected during college. I used to write blogs similar to this, for my media class, but I got tired of writing them because nobody seemed interested in the stuff I wrote about. This post helped me to realize that its not about what other people think of you. Its about your personal happiness and what makes you accomplished in life.

    Continue writing because what you've written has inspired me and will continue to inspire others as well.
